Not long to go now before All Hallows’ Eve is upon us. And these frightening Halloween Candlelight concerts will certainly give you the creeps in preparation for the spooky celebration! If you’re bored of always marking the scary season in the same way every year, these concerts are for you! It’s a haunting affair with an intimate atmosphere that will take you back to the first time you ever watched a horror film.
Prepare yourself for a frightfully exciting evening of creepy soundtracks at Royal Theatre Tuschinski, known for its richly decorated interior. You’ll be treated to the likes of the Ghostbusters and the Halloween themes, plus much more.
Candlelight: Halloween Classics
Skip the usual festivities this year and enjoy this Celtic festival with music. Music speaks to the soul and it is souls that we celebrate on Halloween. Songs like ‘Night on Bald Mountain’ by Mussorgsky and ‘Funeral March of the Marionette’ by Gounod are certain to send shivers down your spine. Contemporary pieces like ‘Tubular Bells’ from The Exorcist and the prelude from Psycho are sure to chill your blood too!