This is already the case for some larger events.
From September 25, venues such as restaurants, cinemas, and bars may require customers to prove they’ve been vaccinated or to provide a negative Covid-19 test result before they’re allowed to enter, according to RTL Nieuws. Previously, this rule had only applied to some larger events, at which 75 guests or more were in attendance.
So how is it all going to work? Well, this kind of thing has already been implemented in several European countries such as France and Germany, and we can probably expect something similar. So, that means producing a recent, negative Covid-19 test (we’re not sure how recent yet), or proof of vaccination such as an EU vaccination passport. If you’re not sure how to obtain your EU vaccination passport, there is guidance on the government website.
Those who cannot produce either a negative test result or proof of vaccination would not be permitted to enter social spaces like restaurants under these rules. Obviously, there will likely be more nuance to the actual steps taken by the government, which will be decided soon, on September 14, and which will take effect from September 25. If you’d like to keep up to date with announcements and regulations, the city of Amsterdam website is updated regularly with the official guidance and rules.