If you’re looking for the best tourist experience in the world then don’t bother heading abroad because it’s right here in Amsterdam. Every year TripAdvisor announces the top-rated hotels, beaches, restaurants, locations and tourist experiences and this year Amsterdam canal cruises have taken the top spot in the ‘experiences’ category.
You might be a little surprised to hear that the public would rather cruise along the canals in Amsterdam than those in Venice, for example, but the public are clearly enamoured by Amsterdam’s eco-friendly boat tours. It is true that one of the best (if not the best) ways to really see Amsterdam is from the water and the tours pass by the Anne Frank House, Leiden Square and the Rijksmuseum, stopping at several other locations.
So what experiences did the boat tours beat? Well, in second place is the Red Dunes Quad Bike, Sandsurf & BBQ at Al Khayma Camp in Dubai. It sounds pretty incredible, as we’re sure our friends over at Secret Dubai would agree. In third place is a tour of the North Shore in Honolulu, Hawaii, which also sounds heavenly.
Coming in fourth is the Natural Pool & Indian Cave Jeep Safari in Aruba and honestly, it’s mindblowing that little old Amsterdam managed to beat all of these incredible activities. In fifth place is a Clear Kayak Tour of Shell Key Preserve and Tampa Bay Area. All of these activities have the benefit of taking place in warm and even tropical climates but still, windy, rainy Amsterdam came up trumps!